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Opportunity Knocks: It’s “VHS Versus Betamax All Over”

Walt Hucks of Opportunity Knocks analyzes the classic battle now taking place between ODF and MSOOXML in MSFT: Let’s Do VHS Versus Betamax All Over.

As usual, I can’t help but quote from the very end of the article. That doesn’t mean you should avoid reading it, since it’s got a lot of good points that I won’t summarize here, and some links to a number of other interesting pieces covering the issues. (Including the broader-and-broader realization that MSOOXML is going to lose this battle…)

Hucks concludes with, “A word of advice to anyone who is considering the purchase of Microsoft Office 2007: Until this file format competition resolves itself, you are the one with something to lose. Your best bet is to hold off for at least 18 months, until we see whether the OOXML format is even still in use at that time. In the mean time, you can download (OOo) and use the .doc, .xls, and .ppt formats that you are used to using.”

Sound advice! Let the billionaires take the risks, and keep your money in your pocket until you know it can be spent wisely.

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