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Democracy Player Updated, to be Renamed Miro

Democracy Player 0.9.6 has been released, the last version before the name change to Miro will take place.

Nicholas Reville writes, “We have just released version 0.9.6 of Democracy Player. It is a *big* update, with lots of new features, bug fixes, and improvements. It’s also the last version ever of Democracy Player. The next release from us will be under our new name, Miro.”

I’m looking forward to its new auto-update capability on OS X, among many other new features, and I’m also excited to have found it included in my Ubuntu package repositories for easy access on my Linux boxes (though it isn’t the latest version yet).

Boing Boing first introduced me to Democracy Player sometime last year, and they cover this most recent developmental release too.

In addition, Edward A Robinson blogs about the release from a Linux user’s perspective, and I’m sure there is plenty more blog coverage out there–it’s a great program and platform that deserves a lot of attention!

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