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OpenDocument Format Making “Amazing Progress”

Computerworld UK reports “OpenDocument Format making ‘amazing progress’ claim supporters.”

“Twelve countries and six regional governments have adopted “pro-ODF policies,” according to the group, composed of companies and organisations that advocate for the format.

“The latest countries are the Netherlands and South Africa, which require government agencies to use the format. Also, more than 40 applications now support ODF and the Alliance’s membership ranks are set to rise above 500, according to the report.”

ODF supporters can be found everywhere online and around the world as additional governments and applications adopt the format. The news of its continued success will bring even more supporters as it strengthens the resolve of its longtime proponents.

“Another ODF advocate, Andy Updegrove, also expressed pleasure over ODF’s adoption to date and optimism about its future. “The tipping point has been passed. I don’t think it will lead to a deluge, but progress will continue,” said Updegrove, an attorney with Gesmer Updegrove LLP in Boston.”

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