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All Macedonian students to use Linux desktops writes “All Macedonian students to use Linux desktops

“All together Macedonia will deploy 180,000 NComputing-enabled workstation seats, enough to provide virtually every elementary and secondary school student in the nation with his or her own classroom computing device.”

This suddenly becomes one of the largest open source implementations yet undertaken anywhere.

“Besides Ubuntu 7.04, each NComputing server/PC comes with NComputing’s Terminal Server software and OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Evolution, and Wine.”

What a great stack of powerful, free and open source applications. Top shelf quality at a bargain price.

“NComputing claims that the Macedonia project is at the same time, the largest known thin client and desktop Linux deployment ever undertaken. “This project would not have been possible 5 years ago,” said Ivanovski. “Today’s least expensive desktop PCs are so powerful we use less than 10% of their capacity and NComputing’s technology puts this wasted power to work.”

Smart policies like this will help Macedonia and other developing countries leap to the technological forefront quickly, and will result in hundreds of thousands of open source-savvy adults in the coming years. All while saving huge sums of money over the alternative, proprietary software route. This is sure to pay dividends to the country’s economy for decades.

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