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Vietnam to Migrate 20,000 Government Computers

Vietnam will migrate 20,000 of its government office computers to, abandoning Microsoft Office in the migration.

“The change from Microsoft Office to is set as a mission in the scheme to computerize operations of Party organs in the 2006-2010 period… Cost savings is only one of the reasons for this change. The major target of the replacement is to improve the ability of the Vietnamese IT circle because the use of open source products like OpenOffice will create a new market for Vietnamese IT companies, according to Mr. Loi.”

Migrations to are ever increasing in pace and geographic distribution!

2 Responses to “Vietnam to Migrate 20,000 Government Computers”

  1. Todknow.Com » Vietnam to Migrate 20000 Government Computers Says:
    October 2nd, 2007 at 8:05 am

    […] wrote an interesting post today on Vietnam to Migrate 20000 Government ComputersHere’s a quick […]

  2. JZA Says:
    October 2nd, 2007 at 9:37 am

    I heard Erwin talking about Vietnameese representative went to Extremadura to get some brainshare.