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Dickinson College & OpenOffice

The Dickinsonian, student newspaper of Dickinson College, publishes Tech Support: OpenOffice, by Jeremy Pesner.

Pesner advocates that the college switch to OpenOffice, which is always a good policy!

He writes,
“I would highly recommend that Dickinson College switch to OpenOffice. In addition to the money savings, OpenOffice is beginning to gain ground globally. The government of Brazil is already working to integrate it as the office program of choice, and I feel that if it were given the recognition that Word has enjoyed, the OpenOffice community could expand enormously. The OpenOffice website asks all new users to fill out a survey of what features they like and don’t like, and it’s easy to join a project in many ways (you can do more than just programming) on the website. This is the type of dialogue and versatility that for-profit software has a difficult time achieving. Much like the analogy between Dickinson College and a large university, freeware is much more open to change and questioning, while with standard programs, you very much have to take what you can get. This is another reason I feel OpenOffice and Dickinson are a good match.”

One Response to “Dickinson College & OpenOffice”

  1. Letty Says:
    December 25th, 2008 at 12:39 am

    Excellent, thanks!