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OpenOffice 2.0 Mail Merge Tutorial

Solveig Haugland publishes a tutorial on mail merge in OpenOffice 2.0 for

Mail merge is often discussed, but less frequently understood. Solveig explains, “A mail merge is writing one document, and then creating a version of it for every record in a database. So, you write your holiday letter once and easily create one copy of that document for everyone in your address book database. Or you write one “please-pay-us-now” letter and send it to everyone in your customers database for whom the Paid field is No. So, you need to do two things: create the document and point the document at the database. The mail merge wizard does both.”

Solveig’s tutorial covers the details in glorious depth, so head over there and start learning.

One Response to “OpenOffice 2.0 Mail Merge Tutorial”

  1. SolidOffice » Blog Archive » OpenOffice Extensions: Fast Mail Merge Says:
    August 28th, 2008 at 9:57 am

    […] for ways to make it easier. Solveig covers OpenOffice 2.x mail merge in an article from 2006 (which I’ve mentioned before), but they still have a few problems with editing the results of the merge before printing […]